Perforations 15

Down the Rabbit Hole: Memory and It's Dislocations



Call for Submissions

Fehta Murghana & r.cheat/m 


"Nothing Is Funnier Than Unhappiness..."

Eugene Thacker 


Bataille / Body / Noise :: notes toward a technoerotics

Joseph Nechvatal


 The Urge For Image and the Saturated Eye
(a speculation)

Merilene M. Murphy


 It seems...

Vadim Linetski



Robert Smith


 Apprehended Insurrection


Doug Tanoury

  Two Poems 

Perforations and FORT! / da? Productions are divisions of Public Domain Inc. a 501 (c) 3, nonprofit arts and information organization. Public Domain, Perforations, and FORT! / da? Productions may be contacted through any of the following modes:

Public Domain, P. O. Box 8899, Atlanta, Georgia U.S.A. 30306-0899

voice mail: 770.433.9863

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