Fog / smoke: A multiple entity appearing as a single thing, visual noise that slurs and positions itself as a sea of indeterminancy, a mer-muring of Brownian motion; not the apparent blank, smooth space but infinitely granulated, atomistically articulated; or rather a race of atomic beings, systemic yet stochastic, molecularly constituted into a drift of obscuring visual 'noise', productive yet self-canceling, concealing, disappearing into its own substance: resorbed into the very conditions which favored its manifestation.
The terror consitituting such an entrance into macroscopic reality (coalescing, formative, clotting) is the horror of osmosis and resorbtion, of boundary dissolution.. Mist swirling from the crevases create, dissolve appendages, connections, bridges. It is the 'background' coming to life, the environment precipitating itself, the 3k background radiation of 'thing-ness' itself manifesting one possiblity--then another--then another. The horror of an indefinite series of relays now, no rest, a 'system' of 'same' components, instantly recognizable, un-pluggable/pluggable.
And what always accompanies the fog (and which the New Electronic Environment always manages to overlook, but--much like the optic moment of sexuality/pornography--accompanies every new advance in technology)? The dead, even the mutilated dead, all individuality now dissipated excepting a few tattered shreds ('fashion'), only animated husks remaining: nothing more than concretizations of the fog, some version of the slime mold (a reproductive periodicity generating the general out of the particular) in an etheric register. (And ether itself a universal fog-being from before the present era of infinitely divisible atomic-beings, a one-ness which masquerades as many, unlike a true fog.)
What noise does the classical age repress, to what clamor does it close its ears, in order to invent our rationalism? Michel Serres, Genesis, p. 58.