version §3.1
Contents of this stack ©1992 by Stuart Moulthrop
All Rights Reserved
DREAMTIME is a component of CHAOS, a work in progress (see DISCOVER, November, 1989). It represents the dream activity of two persons, Aloysius McIntosh and Moira daSzem, as well as a third, unspecified consciousness.
The stack was written in the original HyperCard (version 1.2.5), but it will also work with HyperCard 2 provided you convert to the HyperCard 2 format. If you are running HyperCard 1 on a color system, change the Monitor setting in your system to Black & White (otherwise visual effects won't work).
Each card contains a passage of writing and four TRANSITIONAL SYMBOLS, icons that appear one by one at the corners of the card. To make the Symbols appear, click anywhere on the present card. To choose a Symbol and make your Transition, click the mouse before the next Symbol appears.