1. leak \'le-k\ vb [ME leke, fr. ON leka; akin to OE leccan to moisten, OIr ]legaim I melt 1a: to enter or escape through an opening usu. by a fault or mistake {fumes ~ in} 1b: to let a substance or light in or out through an opening 2: to become known despite efforts at concealment 1: to permit to enter or escape through or as if through a leak 2: to give out (information) surreptitiously
2. leak n 1a: a crack or hole that usu. by mistake admits or lets escape 1b: something that permits the admission or escape of something else usu. with prejudicial effect 1c: a loss of electricity due to faulty insulation; also : the point or the path at which such loss occurs 2: the act, process, or an instance of leaking 3: an act of urinating -- usu used with take
1. stain \'sta-n\\'sta--n*-b*l\ vb [ME steynen, partly fr. MF desteindre to discolor & partly of Scand] origin; akin to ON steina to paint - more at DISTAIN 1: DISCOLOR, SOIL 2: to suffuse with color 3a: to taint with guilt, vice, or corruption 3b: to bring reproach on 4: to color (as wood, glass, or cloth) by processes affecting chemically or otherwise the material itself : to receive a stain - stain.able aj
2. stain \'sta-n-l*s\ n 1a: a soiled or discolored spot 1b: a natural spot of color contrasting with the ground 2: a taint of guilt : STIGMA 3a: a preparation (as of dye or pigment) used in staining; esp : one capable of penetrating the pores of wood 3b: a dye or mixture of dyes used in microscopy to make visible minute and transparent structures, to differentiate tissue elements, or to produce specific chemical reactions - stain.less aj
1. ghost \'go-st\ \-.li-k\ \'go--ste-\ n [ME gost, gast, fr. OE ga-st; akin to OHG geist spir] often attrib it, Skt heda anger 1: the seat of life or intelligence : SOUL {give up the ~} 2: a disembodied soul; esp : the soul of a dead person believed to be an inhabitant of the unseen world or to appear to the living in bodily likeness 3: SPIRIT, DEMON 4a: a faint shadowy trace 4b: the least bit : IOTA 5: a false image in a photographic negative or on a television screen caused esp. by reflection 6: one who ghostwrites - ghost.like aj 2. ghost vt 1: to haunt like a ghost 2: GHOSTWRITE 1: to move silently like a ghost 2: GHOSTWRITE