Dividing Penis
To divide zero by zero you have to constrain the operation. We already know
that. But we don't think of it as a supplement, excessive, the necessity for
a little history, tracking the operations. This little history loses itself,
appears in the unbalance, rights wrongs. The penis, you don't like it, you
don't write it, write the word. You avoid its speech, speaking it. It speaks.
It says uh. (* says uh. From another story. The penis has no story.) You don't
think about it and you don't talk around it. You don't tell stories but
towards that splayed moment of its collapse. It wants to please you, wants to
right wrongs. Different scenes: This is where I begin the battering ram or
apparent from a dream. The battering ram returns everything. The battering
ram sutures fragments, something like a whole begins. Even oracle totters,
reasserts itself, speaks in a different language. It's constrained to speak.
It rights wrongs. What about when the oracle fills with sand? When mouth clots
mouth, throat furrows with ointment of stone, rock cutting deep into collapsing
flesh? Now I can only write memory, saying everything I want to: writing wrongsrighting wrongs. You don't have to know anything to divide one by one; you
just leave things alone. There's no time anywhere in sight. Everything is
right, upright. You don't have wrongs at all. So nothing is wrong. Nothing
is wrong anywhere; the oracle speaks, immediately, and states the same. A
myth, is it, says that the penis turns to platinum upon the death of the user.
Why platinum? Because it's an uncomfortable metal, one that carries only the
invisible weight of the signature. There are industrial uses...
- Sondheim