p e r f o r a t i o n s 18

.Call For Submissions /
 Robert Cheatham
.Pokemon /
 Johannes the Silentiary
.Flowerpots /
 Robert M. Smith
.The Spirit and the Void /
.Kitchen Table Credo 
 Tyler Stallings
. My favorite Ideas /
 Ruth Laxson
. Tutti /
 O. J. / R. C.
. The Alchymical Hut /
 Matt Lee
. Intimate Absence /
 Stuart Moultrop
.  The Pink Automaton of the Panapocalypse /
 Oliver Smith
 .  Gallery: The Remains of Memory


Perforations and FORT! / da? Press are divisions of
Public Domain Inc. a 501 (c) 3, a not-for-profit arts and
information organization.

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